Before Joining
If you have not yet been along to one of our monthly meetings, we would encourage you to do so before applying to join. There’s no charge and you can meet us, get to know us better, and find out about our Interest Groups without any commitment.
Prospective members, who are interested in specific Interest Group(s), are allowed to attend two group meetings before committing. Please click on our Interest Groups page for full details of all of our groups and contact the appropriate Group Coordinator to make the necessary arrangements.
You don’t need any qualifications to join Burton Joyce & District u3a or to join any group. All you need is a willingness to share in the experience and take part. There is no obligation to join any group; you may decide you only want to come to the monthly meetings to listen to the speakers and socialise with new friends. The choice of groups is entirely yours and you could join all of them if you have time and provided there is space. What you will be rewarded with is the joy of meeting people and making many new friends whilst acquiring new knowledge and skills, and most importantly, enjoying yourself!
Members learn from each other in a sociable, friendly environment. Anybody who is not in full time employment can join u3a. Also, you don’t have to live in Burton Joyce itself. Whilst the majority of our members do live in Burton Joyce or the adjoining village of Bulcote, we have members from other local areas and we welcome new members wherever they live.
Members of another u3a can also join, attend monthly Speaker meetings and participate in our Interest Groups by becoming an Associated Member, for which a reduced subscription is charged.
Please complete a Membership Application Form and (if applicable) the Gift Aid Declaration. These are available at our monthly meetings or can be downloaded from the link on the right.
Completed application forms should be posted to our Membership Secretary:- Rupert Williams, 16A Maris Drive, Burton Joyce, Nottingham NG14 5AJ
Annual Subscriptions
Our membership year starts December 1st. Annual membership fees are shown above right but if you join after March a reduced subscription is available. Please download the Membership Application Form to view a table detailing the fee reductions.
Your subscription includes:
- Speaker and venue hire costs at our monthly meetings;
- Refreshments at our monthly meetings, including our Annual General Meeting, and our December/Christmas meeting;
- Your downloaded copy of our newsletter, Newsline;
- Affiliation fee to the Third Age Trust;
- The quarterly magazine “Third Age Matters” published by the Third Age Trust;
- Third party insurance cover;
- Membership of as many Interest Groups as you wish.*
* There may be modest additional charges for some Interest Groups (for example for room hire and/or refreshments). If applicable, they are stated on the Group’s webpage.