u3a is a UK-wide collection of 1000+ local organisations that provide the opportunity for those no longer in full time employment to come together and learn for fun. Make the most of life and join more than 430,000 members exploring new ideas, skills and interests with your local u3a.

Burton Joyce is a large village in the East Midlands, 6 miles north east of Nottingham on the A612 Nottingham to Southwell road. Burton Joyce & District u3a was founded in 2008 and currently has around 360 members and over 60 interest Groups. Our Interest Groups meet in a variety of places; some use the Village Hall or other meeting venues in Burton Joyce and the surrounding villages, whilst others may meet in members’ homes, or if they are activity-based, at dedicated venues or specific locations where the activity will take place. We do not provide transport to Monthly Meetings and Interest Group Meetings, although there is often a fellow member who is able to give a lift. There are frequent buses through Burton Joyce, which also has a station on the railway line between Nottingham and Lincoln, and we may use community minibuses for excursions and organized outings. If you have any mobility issues then we will do our best to help. Please see our Interest Groups page for more information.

Burton Joyce & District u3a is a registered charity (Charity No. 1157213). Please see our Reference page to view or download a copy of our Constitution and the Minutes of Committee Meetings. The Reference page also includes a link to our current Policies, whilst the Contacts page provides the contact information of our Committee members.

We receive no subsidies of any kind from any source. All our activities are financed through members’ annual subscriptions and any additional charges levied by individual Interest Groups to cover their own incidental expenses. We receive no support, financial or otherwise, from any commercial or business organisation.

We have no political, religious, sectarian or ethnic connections at all. We welcome prospective members from all backgrounds irrespective of their beliefs, opinions or ethnicity. In return, we expect members to respect other members’ beliefs, opinions, political and cultural convictions.

We hold monthly Speaker meetings in Burton Joyce Village Hall, 10, Trent Lane, Burton Joyce, Nottingham, NG14 5EY which are open to all our members. Please take a look at our Meetings, Outings, Events page for more information. These meetings are also open free of charge to members of the general public who want to find out more about us in person before deciding to join.

Our monthly News Bulletin gives information about forthcoming Speaker Meetings meetings and other topical items of interest. You can download and read the latest and past issues from our News page. Printed copies can be made available for members who have difficulty reading Newsline on a computer or tablet.

Nottinghamshire Network of u3a’s (the “Notts Network”)

The “Notts Network” is a federation of over thirty u3a’s which enables cooperation between its Member u3a’s across Nottinghamshire, and also to help the launch of new u3a’s in the County. Burton Joyce and District u3a is a member of the Notts Network.

The Notts Network allows its member u3a’s to support each other in the promotion of informal learning and the cultural and social development of all Nottinghamshire u3a members. To visit the Notts Network website please click on this link:-Nottinghamshire Network of u3as – Home (weebly.com) .