Group Co-ordinator | Yvonne Kirk 0115 961 4587 |
Venue | Group Co-ordinator’s home |
Meeting dates | Every 2 weeks |
Meeting time | 9:30 a.m. |
Additional charges | None |
{ Group currently FULL)
We are a sociable Group of like minded people meeting together and exchanging ideas.
We mostly have different subjects at each session, decided by the Group.
We like to share knowledge and experience between members of the Group, given our different abilities.
Like many of the Groups in our u3a we meet in a member’s home, which limits the number that can be accommodated at our meetings, and we have a waiting list. We need a member to come forward to be the Co-ordinator for an additional water colours Group. If you enjoy painting in water colours, do volunteer to be the Co-ordinator for a potential new “ Water Colour Painting 2”.