Group Co-ordinator Chris Helmore 07973 473531
Venue Local area
Meeting dates 1st Wednesday
Meeting time 10:00 a.m.
Additional charges None

The Group’s coordinator or Walk Leader will e-mail all members of their Group 10-14 days prior to the walk taking place, advising members of the starting point, time, type of walk and area that we shall be covering. The coordinator may lead the walk, but we try to encourage all our group’s members to organise and lead a walk, which gives more variety in the type of walk.
Group Aims: Walks of up to 10 miles, with the likelihood of multiple stiles, using footpaths, tracks and farmland. The intention is to achieve an average walking pace of 2.5MPH or more as walks progress.
1) To improve Cardiovascular, 2) To improve endurance.
Group Education Objectives:
All/or Parts of the walks will not have been walked by the group before and therefore:
Map reading will be part of this Group. Use of Maps, Compasses, GPS devices,
Creating walks from OS maps.
How to produce walk using OS map software,
How to import and export routes so they can be passed to other walkers in the group.

We would stress that it is desirable that prospective ramblers have prior experience of this kind of walk. If you enjoy a good walk and a chat do come and try us.

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