Group Co-ordinator Paul Geeson 07969 068214
Venue Burton Joyce & Bulcote Village Hall
Meeting dates 2nd & 4th Thursday in the month
Meeting time 10:00am – 12:00 noon
Additional charges We charge a small amount at each meeting to cover sundry expenses and room hire..

No previous experience of the sport is necessary, as we are all Kurling beginners.

We play in Burton Joyce Village Hall, where the length of the hall and the wooden flooring make it an ideal venue. Also as we play indoors we will never have any problems with the weather.

All the necessary equipment is provided, including the special sticks used to propel the stones on their way if you have trouble bending. We play in teams so that everyone has plenty of opportunities to play at our meetings.

It is an easy sport to learn. We found that we all improved quite quickly as we got the “feel” of the stones and how hard you needed to push them towards the target, sometimes called the “house”, to be in a scoring position.

We have plenty of space for more members, so if you fancy trying the sport, please contact the Group Coordinator .

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