Group Co-ordinator Judith Wright 0115 931 2805
Venue Circulates round Group members’ homes
Meeting dates 3rd Wednesday
Meeting time 2.00 p.m.
Additional charges None

Currently this group is full but please contact the Groups Facilitator if you would like to be added to a waiting list.


Our Group is united by a love of reading.

We plan several months in advance, each taking turns to choose and then hosting “our choice for that month’s meeting. We do have a wide and varied diet of books. Favourites over the last few years have been ” The Devil in the Marchelsea” by Antonia Hodgson, ” We are all completely beside ourselves by Joy Karen Fowler and ” Winter in Madrid” by C J Sansome so you can see we have quite catholic taste.


There are many libraries in the Burton Joyce & District area run by Inspire on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council.


Independent bookshops are a dying breed in the internet era. But we are fortunate in having one that is very
much alive and kicking in our area.

It is “The Bookcase” in Lowdham, who sponsor the annual “Lowdham Book Festival”, and have a series of monthly talks, (their “First Friday” events), throughout the year.

Use the link to the right to go direct to The Bookcase web site.

    Send a message for the Book Club Coordinator
