Group Co-ordinator Alan Comerie 07581 456253
Venue Burton Joyce Village Hall or St Helens Church Centre
Meeting dates Usually 4th Thursday but may vary
Meeting time 7:00pm
Additional charges Typically £10 per person for the wines and room hire

Each monthly Wine Tasting is arranged around a theme, such as a wine growing region or country, particular grape varieties or wine types, or pairing wines with foods.

The wine group works on a collaborative basis in that there is no one person responsible for arranging the events. Usually a couple, or two couples, take responsibility for a monthly meeting. It is up to them to decide the theme of the meeting and to ensure that everything is in place to make the event a success.

Before each meeting the coordinator will circulate information about the theme and invite members to confirm they would like to attend. Numbers are normally limited to 22 on a first come, first served basis, to ensure everyone has a reasonable measure to taste.

It should be stressed that, although we take the appreciation of the wines presented seriously, this group has evolved into more of a social gathering of people who enjoy drinking different wines in a convivial atmosphere.

If you are a group member you will be expected to organise an event, but this may be only once a year.


Our members each have their own set of three wine tasting glasses. This allows them to compare up to three wines side by side, much better than trying to compare them one after another as you would if you only had a single glass. A variety of tasting glasses is available on Amazon.

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    A great wine tasting yesterday (27th July), when, as shown in the photos below, our members Gerald and Julie hosted a lovely evening in their beautiful garden. It was such a pleasure to be able to sit with good company in such a lovely spot, and with the added bonus of good weather.