Group Co-ordinator | Paul Geeson 07969 068214 |
Venue | Local and further afield |
Meeting dates | 2nd Wednesday in the month |
Meeting time | All day, start times vary |
Additional charges | None |
The Hikers provide longer walks than those organized by the Ramblers groups and have joint walks in collaboration with Arnold u3a
Our walks usually last all day, covering a distance of 9 to 12 miles. These can be circular or linear walks e.g. we completed the full Robin Hood Way walk, which is 104 miles. We did this in 10 sections, catching buses and trams to get us to the start and from the finish of each section whenever practicable.
Also, we have joined with other u3a’s to complete the Chesterfield Canal Walk.
Our members take it in turns to plan and recce our monthly walks that are normally circular routes in interesting local countryside.
We welcome new members to the group