Co-ordinator Alwyn Foster 0115 931 2571
Venue Various members homes locally
Meeting dates 1st Monday of the month
Meeting time 10.00 a.m.
Additional charges Normally none but there may be additional costs for speaker, transport, venue hire, or admission fees that are not covered by the annual subscription.

Group currently full

This is one of a number of gardening groups. We are a mixed group of enthusiastic members ranging from novice to experienced plantsmen gardeners.

Garden Visits and Talks

Occasionally, a visit to a garden or a nursery, or a talk from an acknowledged horticultural expert is organized on behalf of all four groups. These visits and talks are often thrown open to all members of our u3a as they can be of interest to everyone, not just those interested in gardening and horticulture. These combined meetings can involve additional costs for speaker, transport, venue hire, or admission fees that are not covered by the annual subscription

We share a common love of gardens and gardening. We take it in turns to host and enjoy looking round each other’s gardens during different seasons.

We try and solve our shared gardening problems from dry shade to strange fungal attacks!

We also enjoy visiting other people’s gardens e.g. NGS yellow book gardens, or a nursery or garden centre on the 3rd Wednesday in the month with our colleagues in the other garden groups to bring back ideas for our own gardens.

We are a popular group but we do occasionally have spaces.

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